Business Intelligence for Knowledge Management and Team Efficiency

LEAD combines advanced data science and workstyle analytics to help you identify knowledge gaps, improve collaboration, and boost employee engagement

Beyond the Org Chart: Unlocking Knowledge Through Analytics

Organizational Network Analysis (ONA), highlighted on the right of our illustration, goes beyond traditional organizational charts, shown on the left. ONA uncovers hidden knowledge networks and real information flows within your company, identifying subject matter experts and key influencers. This deeper insight informs better knowledge-sharing strategies and decision-making, enabling more effective talent management and fostering a culture of collaboration. By leveraging ONA, companies can align knowledge management with business goals, driving innovation and operational efficiency.

Traditional People Analytics

Hierarchal Structure
Traditional People Analytics

Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)

Network Structure
Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)

Example Roles Super-connectors: Mitchell | Isolated Employees: Ramirez
ONA detects crucial factors that most companies can NOT afford to ignore

Uncover Knowledge Hubs and Key Influencers

Pulse Surveys and Engagement Analysis with

Capture Hidden Knowledge Contributors

Go beyond traditional performance reviews to recognize valuable contributors who drive knowledge-sharing and collaboration. LEAD identifies key knowledge hubs, subject matter experts, and influencers, ensuring their expertise is acknowledged and leveraged. With real-time insights, you can quickly act on critical knowledge, close gaps, and foster innovation—aligning teams and driving business growth.

Less biased employee feedback, easier and faster to act.

LEAD: The Knowledge Management Infrastructure for Companies

LEAD’s AI-powered Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) serves as the knowledge management infrastructure for companies, focusing on more than just data written in an intranet. Knowledge is about who knows what—it’s dynamic, existing within the people in your organization. LEAD maps out who holds critical expertise, helping teams locate the right individuals across departments. For example, when engineers lack access to sales tools like HubSpot, or sales teams can’t access Jira, LEAD identifies the key knowledge hubs, ensuring employees can tap into the expertise they need.

Our platform enables employees to connect across silos—whether it’s an engineer seeking insights from an enterprise sales expert or a salesperson needing technical know-how. LEAD’s knowledge-driven approach ensures that the right expertise is leveraged at the right time, driving cross-team collaboration, innovation, and business success.


LEAD provides the most cutting-edge people analytics from Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) to answer pertinent questions:

How does information and communication flow in the organization?

How can LEAD help reduce inefficiencies within my sales team?

LEAD not only identifies knowledge gaps and bottlenecks in your sales team but also tracks how your salespeople spend their time and whether they are actively coaching or supporting others. This insight helps optimize resource allocation, enhance managerial effectiveness, and ensure effective knowledge sharing. By reducing redundant efforts and promoting a collaborative environment, LEAD drives more efficient performance across the entire team.

Who are the most influential employees or teams?

Who are the most influential employees, and how can they support our initiatives?

LEAD identifies your most influential employees and teams by analyzing their role in knowledge sharing and collaboration. You can leverage these key influencers for change management initiatives, to encourage positive behaviors, or as knowledge hubs to ensure critical information flows seamlessly throughout the organization. Empowering these individuals can drive engagement, innovation, and a culture of continuous improvement.

Are some employees at a higher risk of exit?

Are some employees at a higher risk of exit?

From a knowledge management perspective, employees who are either isolated from key knowledge networks or overwhelmed with responsibilities but underappreciated may feel disengaged, increasing their risk of exit. LEAD helps identify these employees by mapping knowledge flows, tracking collaboration patterns, and highlighting key contributors who may be underrecognized. This enables you to take proactive steps to re-engage them, provide support, and ensure they are connected to the right teams and resources.

Put Your People First

Unlock Innovation and Drive Business Outcomes

Foster a culture of psychological safety where employees feel empowered to share ideas and collaborate. LEAD’s custom AI identifies how diverse knowledge within teams can come together, sparking innovation as employees feel safe to contribute. By ensuring that teams with varied expertise are connected, you create an environment where new knowledge is continuously generated, driving both creativity and productivity.

Practice Effective Listening

Maximize Team Productivity Through Strategic Alignment

In a real case, an enterprise sales representative at a tech company spent 17 hours of their 40-hour workweek on tasks that could have been streamlined with better knowledge-sharing and support. When employees lack access to the right knowledge or cross-departmental collaboration, both individual productivity and team results suffer. LEAD helps you gather real-time feedback, allowing you to quickly identify gaps, realign teams across departments, and ensure employees have the support and resources they need to stay productive and engaged.

Understand Employee Connections Through ONA

Identify Subject Matter Expertise for AI Project Success

According to Harvard Business Review, 80% of enterprsie AI projects fail due to a lack of cross-team collaboration and poor data quality. While information may be stored in systems, the real knowledge—expertise, context, and insights—often leaves when key individuals exit the organization. LEAD helps close these gaps by identifying crucial knowledge holders and fostering collaboration between teams. Our platform ensures that critical expertise is retained, clean data is maintained, and collaboration is enhanced, all of which are essential for the success of enterprise AI projects.

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Integrate with your favorite software

See what HR leaders and management experts say about ONA

Greg Newman highlighted the transformative role of Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) and people analytics in understanding and leveraging the social capital within organizations. He emphasizes that ONA moves beyond traditional human capital data by incorporating the networks and relationships essential for work, thereby capturing the fluid dynamics of teamwork at scale. This approach not only overcomes the challenge of mapping ever-changing team dynamics but also supports diversity and inclusion efforts by fostering healthy, inclusive workplace relationships.

Greg Newman, 

Director of People Analytics at Deloitte Australia.


Greg Newman, 

Director of People Analytics at Deloitte Australia.

Amy C. Edmondson emphasizes integrating people analytics into daily business activities for long-term growth in "Coca-Cola: Using People Analytics to Supercharge Workforce Planning." She advocates for treating data as part of the fabric of daily operations rather than a separate entity. Additionally, in "The Fearless Organization," Edmondson links frequent coworker communication to enhanced psychological safety, suggesting that regular interaction boosts comfort and innovation in the workplace.

Dr. Amy C. Edmondson,

Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School and author of "The Fearless Organization."


Dr. Amy C. Edmondson,

Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School and author of "The Fearless Organization."

In "Give and Take", Adam Grant highlights the power of social connections and the significant impact of Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) on achieving success. He posits that a giving and collaborative approach within networks fosters long-term personal and organizational achievements. Grant emphasizes how ONA can reveal the key dynamics of collaboration, demonstrating that a culture of generosity leads to profound professional and personal growth.

Dr. Adam Grant,

Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and bestselling author of "Give and Take," "Originals," and "Think Again."


Dr. Adam Grant,

Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and bestselling author of "Give and Take," "Originals," and "Think Again."

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Empower Employees, Transform Companies