pulse survey

How to Use Pulse Survey to Improve Employee Engagement and Company Culture?

Pulse survey tools, particularly within platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams, are effective for collecting feedback from employees on various aspects of their work environment, including their engagement levels, job satisfaction, and workplace culture. Harnessing the power of these popular communication tools, Pulse surveys are quickly becoming an integral part of many organizations’ engagement strategy.…

The Top 6 Apps for Employee Engagement & Workplace Well-Being After Layoffs

The Top 6 Apps for Employee Engagement & Workplace Well-Being After Layoffs

Layoffs are an unfortunate but sometimes necessary aspect of running a business, particularly during the pandemic, and can be seen as a strategy to maintain profitability. While the employees who are let go face obvious challenges, the impact of layoffs on the remaining workforce is often overlooked. The ripple effects can be felt across various…

How Can LEAD Help During Difficult Times?

As we enter into 2023, the lingering effects of the pandemic continue to impact businesses across industries. Layoffs have become a common reality for many companies and the situation has created a lot of uncertainty and confusion for management teams. While the future may be looking brighter for some, the challenges of layoffs continue to…

Better People Analytics with Organizational Network Analysis (With Survey Samples!)

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective collaboration, open communication, and strategic networking have become essential drivers of organizational success. Nowhere is this more evident than in the growing trend of virtual coffee meetings—informal, digital touchpoints designed to foster connection and camaraderie in remote and hybrid work environments. Yet, behind the seemingly casual chatter and…

LEAD people analytics

What is People Analytics and What Does LEAD Offer (and how employee privacy is handled)?

Traditional people management models, characterized by a hierarchical structure, centralized decision-making, control-focused practices, minimal employee involvement, and infrequent use of metrics and data, are rapidly becoming outdated. In the fast-paced, continuously evolving business landscape of today, such methods can potentially curb flexibility, stifle innovation, and more crucially, diminish employee engagement, which is key to overall…

LEAD features Updates

Making Connections Count with our new features – LEAD.bot for Microsoft Teams

In the current climate of remote and hybrid work, employee collaboration has never been more crucial. Human Resources professionals are turning to LEAD.bot, a leading employee engagement software that goes beyond a simple virtual coffee app, now available on Microsoft Teams. LEAD.bot is designed to foster meaningful human connections and establish strong internal bonds at…